On September 28, 2021, Goovet Group JSC was organized ceremony prized the car Outlander 2020 for Chuyen Hiep Agent following “The program special saling in 2020-2021”.
In the ceremonly prized attending of Mr. Phan Van Viet - President- General Director, Mrs. Cao Thi Yen - Deputy General director, Mr. La Duy Thao - Business Director, Mr. Pham Thanh Tung- Area Manager, together with couple Chuyen Hiep Agent - who get prizes with the valued almost 1 billion.
Picture 1: Chuyen Hiep Agent was excellent won the highest prizes after special sales program in 2020-2021.
Mr.Phan Van Viet- President- General Director of the Goovet Group JSC send the congratulations to Chuyen Hiep Agent who was join the special sales program 2020-2021. Also through this special event, our president want to send thanks, grateful to all customers who always trust and accompanied Goovet during the past time.
Picture 2: Mr Phan Van Viet- President- General Director of the Goovet Group JSC congratulation to Chuyen Hiep Agent.
With the business motto of taking customers as the center and the goal of providing the best quality veterinary medicine products to meet all needs, bringing satisfaction and happiness to customers, in the coming time, the Goovet Group JSC will continue to offer other attractive programs to bring the best value to customers.
Picture 3: The Leader ship of the Goovet Group JSC congratulate to Chuyen Hiep Agent.
It has a lot of gift with big Valued is waiting you in the Special sales in 2021. To research and bring the occasion to own the difference valued gifts, The Agent kindly call to hotline + for advice.
The nice picture in the ceremony prize the car.