Take care of piglets after weaning

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Take care of piglets after weaning

Take care of piglets after weaning

After weaning is the difficults and sensitive period with the piglets because after separate with the sows, piglets is not protected by sows any more and they have improve their resistance by themself for good development. Also, we need to have the raising good method after weaning This is the stage of effective pig raising, pigs have the ability to gain weight quickly and accumulate the best lean.

When is the best time for Piglets weaning?

You should weaning for piglets when piglets is 28 days old with the hybrid pig and 21 days old with foreign pigs. When weaning, all piglets in herb must be healthy, no pig has disease and piglets are used to other foods.

3-5 days before weaning, you should limited the time for breastfeeding. The best time to separate piglets from sows is on the daytime.

Preparing the barn for Piglets

Barn for Piglets need to clean, warming, dry, limited the wind blow.

Recommend density is 10-25 piglets/ 1 lot of barn with acreage 0.4-0.45m2/pig. If it is too much crowded, the piglets will be bitting each other and difficult control when piglets are sick.


Photo1: Density is fitness help piglets uniform growth up

Rations for piglets after weaning:

In this stage, piglets need good nutritions for development. Supply almost the refined food ( about 80% of ration). Fiber ratio in food is better only 5%-6% because the fiber degestinal ability is weak, if in the rations food have much fiber ratio will make the piglets indigestion, easy constipation, enteritis.

Ratio between food and water is best fitness: each 1 kg of refined food with 0.5 kg of clean drinking water. Maximum ratio is 1:1, also the farmers have to drinked water enough for piglets. If in rations of Piglets have much water ratio, it make the degestinal is not good and reduce ability for absortand the nutritions, protein, also the food has much water cause floor is dirty, wet and piglets easy to disease. But if the water ratio too less, it makes shorten water for piglets.


Photo 2: Rations fitness help piglets good degestinal, uniform development, limited diarrhea.

Veterinary caring for piglets affter weaning:

After weaning, piglets lose anti-body from mother milk. So, the caring veterinary for piglets after weaning is very necessary.

- Inject vaccines for piglets regularly.

- Inject cholera vaccines for piglets after 35 days old.

- Inject Pasteurellosis s and seal vaccines for piglets from 55-60 days old.

- Inject vaccines foot and mouth disease for piglets from 60-70 days old.

- Piglets are 30 days old: Mix Anti-diarrhea or Amox-colis or Ampi-Coli or Enro10 in food to anti diarrhea.

- Piglets are 40 days old: Killed worms for piglets by 1 of the products: LEVAMISOL 4.0 or DEWORM or IVERMECTIN ( special form) or MECTIN 27.

- Improving the resistance: Combine NOVI BIOTIN ADE, SPOBIO ZYM or NH-ADE-B.COMPLEX and LACTICZYM help stimulate eating, weight gain quickly, increasing the ability absorptance, increase resistance.


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