Long-acting in 72 hours
Treatment of respiratory, gastrointestinal, genital and urinary tract infections, pasteurellosis
Product Information
Reg No.: GOV - 276
Trade name: OXYLIN 200 LA
Dosage form: Solution for injection
Composition: Each 100 ml contains:
Oxytetracycline HCl: 20 g
Excipients qs: 100 ml
Treatment of infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to Oxytetracycline: Respiratory infections, pneumonia, genital and urinary tract infections, pasteurellosis, foot rot and Bedsonuiasis in sheep, skin diseases and infections caused by surgery.
Dysentery, shipping fever, gastroenteritis, Mycoplasmosis, endometritis, metritis, mastitis, Salmonellosis, and liver abscess in cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats. Contraindication: Do not use in animals with known hypersensitivity to components of the product
Dose and administration:
Intramuscular injection of 1 single dose. For the treatment of severe disease, it can be repeated after 72 hours.
Cattle, goats, sheep, pigs: 1ml per 10kg body weight.
Do not inject more than 20ml at the same injection site in cattle, 10ml in pigs and 5ml in sheep and goats.
Withdrawal period
For meat: 22 days.
For milk: 3 days.
Storage: Keep it in a cool dry place, protected from direct sunlight. Temperature not exceeding 30oC.