Long - acting in 72 hours
Treatment of pneumonia, prolonged dry cough, shortness of breath, pasteurellosis and secondary infections of PRRS.
Product Information
Reg No.: GOV-18
Trade name: TYLAN @ LA
Dosage form: Solution for injection.
Composition: Each 100 ml contains:
Tylosin base: 20 g
Excipients qs: 100ml
Treatment of secondary infections of PRRS, pneumonia, asthma, prolonged dry cough, enteritis, secondary bacterial infections infectious diseases such as fever and anorexia of unknown origin, pasteurellosis, swine erysipelas, Postpartum septicemia, arthritis, dermatitis, agalactia, MMA syndrome, metritis.
Safe for nursing sows, particularly effective with Leptospirosis, pneumonia, watery white-yellow diarrhea caused by Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Clostridium in piglets.
Contraindication: Do not use in animals with known hypersensitivity or allergy to components of the product.
Dose and administration
Deep intramuscular or subcutaneous. One injection has long-lasting effects for over 72 hours.
Pigs, calves: 1ml per 15-20kg body weight
Cattle, horses: 1ml per 20-25kg body weight
If severe disease can be repeated after 24 hours.
Withdrawal period
For meat and internal organs: 14 days
For milk: 108 hours
Storage: Keep it in a cool dry place, protected from direct sunlight. Temperature not exceeding 30oC