Fast-acting, powerful, long-lasting disinfectant, super adhesion, safe for animals.
Kill bacteria, viruses: PRRS, foot and mouth disease, African swine fever, avian influenza, etc
Product Information
Reg No.: GOV-127
Trade name: PEROSEPTIC
Dosage form: Disinfectant powder
Composition: Each 100 g contains:
Kali peroxymonosulfate: 50 g
Excipients qs: 100 g
- PEROSEPTIC is used for disinfection: barns, equipment, livestock tools; transportation vehicles, foot dips, wheels; breeding farms, egg incubators, workshops, livestock feed production facilities; slaughterhouses, processing facilities, equipment in slaughterhouses, containers; veterinary organizations like hospitals, clinics, nurseries, laboratories; animal confinement areas.
- Disinfect water supply systems.
- PEROSEPTIC disinfectant has a broad spectrum, is effective in killing most viruses such as PRRS virus, swine fever virus, avian influenza, Gumboro, etc bacteria, fungi and parasites.
- Be effective in hard water, environments with organic matter and low ambient temperatures.
- Be safe, non-corrosive to metal and does not negatively affect treated surfaces.
Contraindication: None known.
Dose and administration
Before disinfection, perform mechanical cleaning, clean rooms and equipment, then spray with the following dosages:
+ Regular disinfection of barn areas, production facilities: 15g per 3 liters of water per 10 square meters.
+ Mandatory disinfection during disease outbreaks: 10g per 1 liter of water per 10 m2, use 2-3 times a day until no outbreaks remain.
+ Directly spray onto animals: mix at a rate of 5g per 1 liter of water per 10 square meters of floor. Spray daily during the disease treatment period to prevent disease spread.
+ Disinfect equipment, protective gear, breeding houses, feed processing workshops: 10g per 1 – 2 liters of water.
+ Foot dip disinfectant: 10g per 1 liter of water, renew after 1 week or when water becomes dirty. During disease outbreaks, mix at a rate of 30g per 1 liter of water.
+ Disinfect water supply systems: mix at a rate of 5g per 1 liter of water, fill water tank and the water supply system. Soak for 1 hour, drain and flush with clean water.
Note: Avoid contact of powder or medicine solution with the eyes.
Use gloves and a mask when preparing medicine solution.
Withdrawal period: None.
Storage: Keep it in a cool dry place, protected from direct sunlight. Temperature not exceeding 30oC.